Ballet for Menopause

This is class dedicated to women in menopause.

Wednesday, October 18th

Whether you're a complete newbie or a seasoned dancer, embrace your Inner-Ballerina with this follow-along class that teaches ballet basics with special love and care for the physical and emotional challenges of menopause.

Wear comfortable clothes and a pair of socks (or ballet slippers). 
You'll also need a stable support (ex: the back of a chair or countertop) to hold onto.

More ways to love yourself with ballet...

Choose from the lessons below based on your mood and what you need right now. Always listen to your body (even if you don't like what it's saying!) with kindness and compassion.

Want more grace & delight in your life?

Take the "Meno-Pledge"

To celebrate World Menopause Day, I’ve developed my very own “Meno-Pledge” to help me remember to give myself some grace… And I invite all my sisters in menopause (and anyone else who could use a positive ‘Pause’) to take a Meno-Pause and do the Meno-Pledge with me.